

  • (2019) "THE PURPLE PACT. A feminist Approach to Economy", Co-editor and Co-Author for the European Women's Lobby
  • (2008): With Katrin Adams, Elisabeth Botsch, Henny Engels, Katja Grieger, Renate H. Rampf and Katja Rodi as Editorial Group of the Alliance of German Women's Organizations (Ed.) : Alternative Report submitted by the Aliance of German Women's Organizations in response to the 6th Periodic Report of the Federal German Government on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), (in German and English) Berlin
  • (2005) Marion Böker, Giyasettin Sayan: "Saddams deathly diplomats in Berlin". Attempt upon the Kurdish Students Congress 1st of August 1980 in Berlin (West) and its impunity until today” (in German), EVRA Verlag, Berlin 2005
    Synopsis of the content
  • "Women’s Rights in Germany. Follow-Up-process CEDAW 2004"; (in German), ed. by  the German Institute for Human Rights, Berlin 2005
  • With: Katrin Adam, Christiane Howe and Rhoda Tretow (Ed.) "Shadow Reports on the fifth report by the Federal Republic of Germany", 2003 to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)”, (in German and English), Berlin 2003
  • With: Anne Neugebauer (Ed.): "Nothing is impossible…- on the way to a feminist theory and practice of economy" (in German), Muenster (Unrast Verlag) 1994
  • With: Working group for Women’s History Muenster (Ed.): "WomenLives in Muenster- A Storybook on History", (in German), Muenster (Verlag Westfaelisches Dampfboot) 1991