Articles / Interviews

  • (2018) #50 – Women into politics – Discrimination and obstacles. Blog post on 100 Years of Women's Vote. 23. September 2018 " bei Frauenarbeit des Referates Erwachsenenbildung im Dezernat Bildung der Evangelischen Kirche von Kurhessen-Waldeck (in German)
  • (2018) Parallel report with special focus on girls women with disabilities on the "Answer to paragraph 36 of the Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities from the point of view of the Laender" with reference on the implementation of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities under Art. 6 and Art. 16 in Germany - Federal Land Saxony-Anhalt, oconsulted and translated for the Initiativ group "Parallel report Ziffer 36", edited by Editha Beier (LFR, AG Inklusion), Eberhard Friedrich (AG Inklusion), Hans Strecker (Rückenwind e.V. BBG) and Catrin Rabe (Rückenwind Frauenberatungsstelle e.V. Magdeburg), with support by Landesfrauenrat Sachsen-Anhalt (LFR) e.V., Frauenpolitischer Runder Tisch Magdeburg; Published in English in: Interdisziplinäre Fachzeitschrift für Prävention und Intervention bei Kindesmisshandlung und - vernachlässigung, HG. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prävention und Intervention bei Kindesmisshandlung, -vernachlässigung und sexualiserter Gewalt (DGfPI) e.V., 21. Jahrgang, 1/2018, Vandehoeck & Ruprecht GmbH, Göttingen, p. 16-27; Find here the report as delivered to UN-CRPD 
  • (2014) Women divorced in the GDR: A systematic discrimination. (German) In: Special newsletter about the Beijing+20 campagne, thematic month 'Women and Poverty', National Committee Germany for UN WOMEN e.V., October, online:
  • (2014) Who has the money holds the power - Gender Budgeting: Demanded Instrument for the De-Facto-Implementation of Gender Equality and the Human Rights. (German) In: What 'earns' the other Half of the Heaven? Gender Budgeting as a Demand of Justice.  Edited by the dbb Federation of German Public Servants and Pay Scale Union - Federal women's Representation, Berlin, p. 53-64,
  • (2014) Interview by Lara Dämmig for BET DEBORA JOURNAL No. 1, "Bertha Pappenheim’s Commitment to in the Fight Against Trafficking in Girls and Women and Her Intervention with the League of Nations", p.52-63, Publishers Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin; More Information how to order; More on the content of the new complete BET DEBORA JOURNAL
  • (2014) Interview by Johanna Heuveling for PRESSENZA (IN GERMAN)"Menschenrechts – Preis für Alice Nkom, Kamerunische Aktivistin gegen die Diskriminierung von Homosexuellen", 23.03. 2014 published at
  • (2013) (in German )"Showing our teeth. By strengthening the UN-Human Rights we will strengthen ourselves", in: Frauenrat, 5/ 2103 , p. 20
  • (2012) (In Turkish) Hurriyet, 13. Ekim (Oct.), Kadınlar savaş değil okul hastane istiyor; Article about the High Level Workshop EŞITLIKÇI BUTÇE ÇALIŞTAYI, 12-13 EKIM 2012, Bilgi Universitesi, Istanbul for the Hakli Kadin Platformu on the further implementation of Gender Budgeting, Hakli Kadin Platformu is a NGO alliance and network of 42 women's rights NGOs in Turkey. See article of Hurriyet 13. Oct. 2012 here.
  • (2012) (in German) Jungle World No. 14, 5. April, Interview by ZOÈ ZONA with Marion Böker on the right of self-determination of gender identity re: the current case of the trans* girl 'ALEX' in Berlin: "Re-education is no longer standard"
  • (2012) Interview on occasion of the International Women's Day and the 56st UN CSW: "Expert for Human Rights Marion Boeker: Es ist für Frauen höchste Zeit den Wandel einzuleiten" ("It is high time for women to finally make the changes", in the Leibziger Volkszeitung, 07. March 2012, in German
  • (2010): "Gender Budgeting and (Gender) Democracy: What are the linkages?", In: Gender Budgeting and Democratic Governance. Experiences From Africa and Europe, Workshop of African and European Civil Society Organisations in Bonn, September 2010 ( see Webversion as PDF at VENRO e.V. )
  • (2010): "Gender Budgeting: Beitrag zur gerechten Verteilung und Steuerung der Gleichstellung im Rahmen der Umsetzung der Frauen & Menschenrechte. Zwischenbericht anlässlich der Berliner Konferenz 'Gender Budgeting- von der Analyse zur Steuerung" am 16. und 17. September in Berlin", hrsg. von der Initiative für einen geschlechtergerechten Haushalt in Berlin, Berlin (written for the NGO- Initiative for Gender Justice in the Budget of Berlin as an alternative report on the implementation of gender budgeting in the State of Berlin for the Berlin Conference "Gender Budgeting- from analyses to controlling", 16. to 17. Sept. 2010, Berlin- the weblink provides the text of the report in German as it is documented by the State of Berlins Governement as a paper of the conference)
  • (2010): "54. UN- Committee on the Status of Women. Gender Architecture in the Making" [in German], In: zwd Frauen. Gesellschaft und Politik, no. 277/2010, Vol. 24, p. 13
  • (2009):"Main actors' roles in inplementing Gender Mainstreaming: A case of Germany" (paper), In: "Theory and Practice of Gender Mainstreaming. Reader for the International Symposium of the Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI) 17. Sept. 2009 in Seoul", Seoul, p. 75-89 (Korean) and p. 170-186 (English); will be published in English in July in Vol. 3/ 2010 in the international periodical academic journal Gender Studies and Policy Review (GSPR), Seoul, Südkorea
  • (2009): "Efficiency of Soft Law analysed on the example of the Agreed Conclusions of the 53. CSW and binding UN-Human Rights Treaties as  CEDAW und CERD on national level"[in German], In: Documentation of the Follow up meeting: Balanced distribution of social responsibilities between men and women: How, when and why? 4. July 2009, Werkstatt der Kulturen, ed. Bahá'i -Women's Forum e.V., Berlin, p. 10-18
  • (2009):"GENDER BUDGETING. BPW Germany supports Implementation." [in German], In: BPW Journal 4/2009, p. 22-23; Link to Business and Professional Women Germany Journal's Archives [when the next issue will be published the content of this No. 4/2009 will go online]
  • (2009): "Germany in front of the UN-CEDAW-Committee." An interview by Michael Krennerich with Katja Rodi, Kim Schicklang und Lucie Veith,[in German], In: zeitschrift für menschenrechte/ Journal For Human Rights, Vol. 3/ 2009, No. 1, p. 162-180; Link to the publishers house Wochenschau-Verlag with content, list of authors and data for order; [Please insert "Menschenrechte" into 'search/SUCHE']
  • (2008): “German and International Gender Budgeting Initiatives”, paper for the European Gender Budgeting Network (EGBN) presented at the conference “Public Budgeting Responsible To Gender Equality/ Presupuestación Pública Responsable con la Igualdad de Género“, June 9-10, 2008, Bilbao, Spain;  Link to the Conference page and the paper The presentation hold at this conference is available in Spanish and Basque language through the same page (choose the language in the upper menue).
  • (2008): "Antidiscrimination. CEDAW - Alternativ report reflects the situation of lesbian women", In: respekt! - Magazin for lesbian and gay politics,No. 2, March 2008, p. 11-12 to the Magazin "respekt!" (in German)
  • (2007) "Forced Prostitution in Europe", In: Barbara Drinck and Chung-noh Gross (eds.): Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace. Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. Series "Wissenschaftliche Reihe, Kleine Verlag Bielefeld, p. 53-66; Find more information (table of contents, foreword, how to order the book) at
cover text (PDF) book content, authors and titels of article & Order Form (PDF)
(2006) "Gender Budgeting in Berlin" (In German), In: Gender Mainstreaming in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Part 6: Documentation of the Conference on Gender Mainstreaming at 9th of March 2006 at the Town Hall of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Hg. District Council of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Berlin, P. 26-37; It is possible to order the documentation for 3 EUR from Christine Rabe. Former documentations on Gender Mainstreaming in the district (in German) to download
(2005): "The UN-Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)" (in German), In: Frauenrechte in Deutschland: Follow-Up-Prozess CEDAW 2004, hg. Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, Berlin 2005, p. 6-16
(2005) "Gender Justice as a global process of learning – Women’s Rights open the pathway", In: ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, Issue 4/2005 [Guest Editor]  ;
(2004) "Forced Prostitution in Europe " (in German), In: Barbara Drinck (Ed.) "Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace". Documentation of the International Conference 11. June 2004, Freie Universitaet Berlin, p. 38-46 
(2004): "Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Dialogue with civil society needs more than coincidence" (in German), In: Gleiches Recht–Gleiche Realitaet? Welche Instrumente bieten Völkerrecht, Europarecht und nationales Recht  für die Gleichstellung von Frauen? Loccumer Protokolle 71/ 2003, Rehburg–Loccum, p. 79-86
(2004): "Intervention by NGOs is imperative. The current constructive women’s human rights dialogue about the 5th German report to CEDAW" (in German), In: femina politica, 14. Jg., Heft 1/ 2004, p. 105-108
(2004): "Reduction or reorganisation? Trafficking in women in the enlarged European Union" (in German), In: informationen für die frau - Informationsdienst des Deutschen Frauenrats, 2/2004, p. 29 f.
(2003): "How to compile, coordinate and make effective use of shadow reports?" (in German), In: Konferenzdokumentation "Menschenrechtsinstrumente: Für Frauen Nutzen", Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin, 13. Dezember 2002,  Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, Nov. 2003, p. 18-28
(2003): "Initiative for a gender balanced budget in Berlin" (in German),
In: Sperriger Name – lohnendes Ziel: Gender Budgeting. Dokumentation einer Veranstaltung im September 2002, hg. Fraktion Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen im Landtag von NRW, Düsseldorf im Februar 2003, p. 21-23
(2002): "What women from NGOs want: A new World Conference on Women?"(in German), In: agisra - neue wege für migrantinnen, Rundbrief Nr. 34, August 2002, p. 36-39
(2002): "KOK – Federal association against trafficking in women and violence against women in the migration process" (in German), In: Frauen in Gewaltverhältnissen. Dokumentation des Hochschultages vom 31.10.2001 an der Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule, hg. von Tahereh Agha, Leah C. Czollek, Silke Gahleitner u. a., Berlin 2002, p. 100-105
(2002): "Gender Budgeting in Germany. Development, experiences and results" (in German), In: Gender Budget. Grundlagen- Hintergründe- Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Eine Einführung in die geschlechtergerechte Analyse und Gestaltung des Kommunalhaushalts, Kommunalpolitische Schriftenreihe der Petra-Kelly-Stiftung, Nr. 8/ September 2002, p. 23-29
(2002): "Migrant women – informal and private economy - macroeconomic profit" (in German), Vortrag gehalten beim 7. Fortbildungsseminar "Schatten der Zivilisation. Europa und das neue Gesicht der Frauenmigration" des Vereins LEFÖ, 3.-5. Juli 2002 in Puchberg/Wels und veröffentlicht am 3. Juli 2002;
(2002): "Routes of travelling, escape, kidnapping and harbouring. A video essay on women in the migration process" (in German- video review of "Remote Sensing"), In: informationen für die frau, 1/Februar 2002, p. 27
(2001): "Opening Remark: Trafficking in persons, especially in women is a violation of human rights", In: Europe Against Trafficking in Persons, Conference, 16. October 2001, Conference Report, ed. by OSCE/ODIHR, Berlin, p. 24-26
(2001): With Anne Neugebauer: "Experiences with Gender Budgeting on local level - a conference, a book and practice in Muenster" (in German), In: NRO Frauenforum: Infobrief 2/2001, p. 26-31,
(2000): "Gaining democracy. The European Commission adopted the approach of »Gender Mainstreaming«. Now it should become a main objective of the Federal Government" (in German), In: schrägstrich. Zeitschrift für bündnisgrüne Politik, 7-8/2000, p. 27
(1999): "No graveyard peace for Women’s Politics. The struggle for gender balancing structures and change of the gender relations for a future society and inside the Green Party" (in German), In: femina politica, Heft 1/1999, p. 90-94