Human Rights

My Offers for Consultancy and Training:


  • Human Rights Education, trainings, speeches, presentations- Human Rights Empowerment
  • CEDAW Trainings – Consultancy how to implement in NGOs, Administration, Institutions and Politics
  • Women's Human Rights- Trainings & cases of discrimination and violation against women's human rights as enshrined in CEDAW- Filing your case und submitting it under CEDAW or other Treaties Optional Protocols or bringing it to the attention of relevant bodies, fighting with you for your rights
  • Children's Rights – Trainings for adult multiplicators and consultancy on implementation in various sectors (administration, institutions, politics, civil society activities and NGOs and workshops for young people)
  • Individual or group consultancy on the use of the complaint and inquiry mechanisms under the Optional Protocols of UN - Conventions esp. CEDAW: submitting of complaints and creating campaigns around such cases for public and political awareness and to promote the Treaty Bodies recommendations's or view's implementation.
  • Ad hoc interventions for people targeted by discrimination or violations of human rights- mediation with responsible state institutions or non-state actors for an immediate elimination of that violations or discrimination against a person or a group of persons
  • Consultancy on the development and the process of the shaping of Human Rights of Elderly Persons and especially elderly women  now available as a speech with presentation and a pakage of materials which gives you access. You will be informed about current international, regional and national context, of what happens within the UN or regional bodies (AU, EU, APF), why this is so important an how you and NGOs can participate or be involved or use already existing mechanisms for helping to shape the human rights of the Elderly.
    Consultancy in individual form on age discrimination or human rights violations against elderly persons in case you are targeted or you want in general work against it: we help to put your case in paper form and to forward it to relevant bodies and institutions. We accompaign your fight for your rights or develop a campaign around it. See under the menue --> Contact how you can reach us: we can communicate over Skype e.g.