International Alliance for Women (IAW)
Nov. 2021 nominated Acting president; 2021 nominated Vice president; member of the Executive board, 2020 elected to the board; Elected as a board member in 11/2010 in Boksburg (South Africa) & 2013 in London (UK); Term ended in 2016; member of the IAW-Commission Human Rights. The IAW has ECOSOC status at the United Nations.
European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
since 06/2021 as IAW delegate to EWL elected member of the EWL Board of Administration, 2019-2021 member of EWL's Gender budgeting expert group; since 2018 Member of the EWL working group FEMINIST ECONOMICS (co-editor and co-author of the EWL's publication PURPLE PACT; before since many years Alternate Delegate & Observer for the International Alliance of Women (IAW), Alternate member of the EWL board;
Funding member of the NGO Alliance 1325, later Network 1325
the German national network of Women's Rights Associations, Initiatives and NGOs, Civil Society Organisations and experts who deliver advocacy, monitoring and consultancy for the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 under the National Action Plan to the German Goverment (since 2000...)
UN WOMEN Germany, Member since 2000
Deutscher Frauenring e.V.- DFR
Executive Board Member, elected in Oct. 2015- 2019; since 2009 Chair person of the International Committee (AIA) until today; Member of the board of the Berlin Land Section of the DFR since 2021 elected board member (treasurer); board 1/2018-2021;..., Member of the Committee "Secure, up-value and promote voluntary civil society work" of the National German Women's Council (2018-...) as representative of the DFR e.V.;
filia. die frauenstiftung
Member of filia the women's foundation (Hamburg); Executive board member June 2010- June 2019;
Kurdish Association for the United Nation - UNA-KURD e.V./
Komeleya Kurdi ji bo Neteweyen Yekgirti
Member of the board (founding member- until today)
European Network of Gender Budgeting Initiatives-EGBN
Theses and Discussionpaper for the Conference about Gender Budgeting - Gender Equality in Bilbao, 9th/10th of June 2008; co-founder, member
Initiative for Gender Justice in The Budget of Berlin (Initiative fuer einen geschlechtergerechten Haushalt in Berlin)
The new launched homepage (only in German) is
Please, contact the Initiative. We are open for dialogue. Initiative is activ, participates in the Land of Berlin administrative working group of the Gender Budgeting implementation (since 2002) in which our Initiative as an NGO holds a at since beginning of the implementation process 2002. The Initiative meets regularly. The Initiative is public, an open group and with open meetings ans welcomes always new members who want to participate on a regular basic. The Initiative is member of EGBN (see above). Representative for the GBI in the Berlin Land steering group on Gender Budgeting.
International Women's League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), member
Bet Debora e.V., Berlin - Women's Perspectives in Judaism
Currently Board member (2021-), ,
Jugendtheaterwerkstatt Grenzen Los! Moabit 21- JugendtheaterBüro Berlin
Member of the advisory board (2007-2012)